PhD Students

Mohamed Nijas
Research Area: Optical Coherence Tomography, Optical Fiber probes, Tumour Imaging, Lensless Microscope, Optical System Design.
My main research is to develop an optical fiber-based Spectral-domain OCT system. The system is primarily used for clinical validation of Gastrointestinal tumours. Also, I focus on the design,
fabrication and testing of various optical fiber probes for OCT. One such application is the Optical guidance system for epidural space identification. This system provides visual feedback to the
medical practitioner during the exploration of epidural space identification during epidural injections.
1.Best paper award in International conference on optics and Optoelectronics ICO-2019, IRDE, Dehradun, 19-22 October 2019
2. Best poster Award in Optical Society of India International Symposium on Optics, 20-22 IIT Kanpur, September 2018.
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Quick Links: Google Scholar |

Panta Prashant
Research Area: Application of Optical Coherence Tomography for Oral Cancer Detection: An ex-vivo
My major research effort is to address
the identification and validation of novel OCT signatures of oral carcinogenesis. Other interests
include fluorescence imaging and oral cytology evaluation in the context of oral cancer
progression. Our previous collaborative efforts with team members have resulted in a database of
cellular and nuclear volumes in health oral epithelial cells. Overall, my research efforts address a
broad spectrum of optical adjuncts for screening suspicious oral lesions.
Samsung Innovation Award (2018) for "a smartphone based method to study cell for early detection of oral cancer"
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Quick Links: Google Scholar |

Aswathy Vijay
Research Area: Digital holographic microscopy, Lensless imaging, microscopy.
Quantitative phase imaging is an emerging label free modality that gives a quantitative estimation of phase, unlike like dark-field microscopy,
Zernike phase-contrast microscopy, etc. It precisely maps the optical path length variation into clear and accurate visualization of extremely transparent samples.
Digital holographic microscopy in in-line and off axis configuration can be explored for phase reconstructions to estimate parameters like thickness, refractive index,
absorbance etc. Designing microscopes in bench-top and modular configuration for disease analysis and point of care applications is another area of focus.
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Vikas Thapa
Research Area: Quantitative phase imaging (QPI), Generative Adverserial Network (GAN) for phase imaging.
Utilize capability of GAN for retrieving phase information of biological samples with single shot recording. This will enable high throughput, and compact QPI microscope.
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Vidya Gopal
Research Area: VLSI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Biomedical Imaging.
Applications of Deep Learning (with focus on Physics Informed Neural Networks) in Medical Diagnositics / Imaging including Image acquisition, Denoising and Signal Processing.
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Greeshma Nechikat
Research Area: Microfabrication, Microfluidics, Lab-on-chip, point of care device, Electrochemistry, Organ-on-chip.
The aim is to develop biosensors for monitoring cancer prognosis post-chemotherapy and to develop and characterize Organ-on-Chip device for in-vitro applications.
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Mridul Verma
Research Area: Biomedical Imaging, Biomedical Optics, Optical Elastography, Photoacoustic Imaging, Instrumentation.
I have been a research scholar in the Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, IIT Hyderabad, since July 2022. I have completed M.Tech in Biomedical Engineering from NIT Rourkela (2022) & B.Tech in Electrical Engineering from NIT Raipur (2019).
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Sameer Mirza
Research Area: Microstructure property relationship in biological fluids.
Developing unique microrheological techniques to elucidate microstructure-viscoelastic property relationships for biological fluids. Optical, magnetic and acoustic probes will be leveraged to test
extremely small volumes of biological fluids which is expected to lay the groundwork to develop cheap in-situ biomedical tests for the future.
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Saransh Khandelwal
Research Area: Biomedical Instrumentation, Non-Invasive Health Monitoring.
While being a part of the CSIR family, I worked in the core research involved in the Non-Invasive Estimation of Continuous Blood Pressure
Monitoring using Acoustic Sensors at CSIR-CSIO, Chandigarh as well as on the contrary gained experience in the field of Procurement and High-End Installation and
Commissioning of Modular OTs, MGPS, CSSD, Brachytherapy, LINAC and various other medical equipment for prestigious medical Institutes such
as AIIMS-Patna/Gorakhpur & IMS-BHU under PMSSY Phase II & III by MoHFW while working at a govt. PSU i.e. HLL-HITES, Noida . Currently, I am involved in both Academic and Research areas and working as
Senior Technical Superintendent at the Department of Biomedical Engineering, IIT Hyderabad.
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Dr. Sandeep Karunakaran
Research Area: In vitro fertilization (IVF), optics, microscopy.
The aim of my research is to improve the key performance indicators (KPIs) of In vitro fertilization (IVF) using better optics.
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MTech Students

Nikhil Prakash
Research Area: Holographic Microscopy, Instrumentation.
Multi-Height Reconstruction & Deep learning based analysis of Cervical cells. A portable, cost effective solution for quick diagnosis and staging of biological samples based on holograms recorded at multiple heights.
Email id:
Our Alumini

Ashwini S. Galande
Research Area: Lensless Holographic Microscopy for Point-of-Care Applications
A two-fold solution for the problems with conventional cytology procedures used for cervical cancer diagnosis. First is to develop
a low-cost, portable lensless holographic microscope, which gives quantitative phase information to screen cervical
cells, over the bulky and costly optical microscopes. The novel contribution here is the proposed sparsity assisted
phase retrieval algorithm to remove twin images and noise from the reconstructed image in real-time. Second is the
Deep Learning-based automated analysis to assist the doctor in diagnosis, so that there will be low false-negative
results, over the time-consuming manual examination of cell samples that results in inter-observer variability.
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Quick Links: Google Scholar |

Amandeep Singh
Research Area: Optical Coherence Elasto-graphy imaging for biological samples using Digital holography Microscopy and related imaging techniques. optimization in phase reconstruction methods.
Being CSIR-UGC Fellow, I am pursuing my PhD from Bio-medical Optics lab collaborated with Bio-fab Lab. I have completed my Master's from Department of Physics, Punjab University, Chandigarh. As JRF fellow, I gained research experience from Medical Physics Lab (IISER Mohali) and currently working on development of imaging system for quantitative measurement of Elastography properties of biological samples.
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Dr.Inayathullah Ghori (Cardiologist)
Research Area: Low cost innovation to fight COVID crisis (Urja Project).
Application of AI/ML (Artificial Intelligence) algorithms for cardiac imaging.
Understanding the limitations of Clinical Decision Support Systems.
Hardware for tele-medicine projects. Participation & enabling of colleague's disruptive projects (Lab on a chip,
Phase Imaging). Design effective clinical training programs and making clinical pathways.
Email id:
Quick Links: ResearchGate

Pawan Kumar
Research Area: Full-Field Optical Coherence Tomography (FF-OCT)
Optical Coherence Tomography is a low coherence interferometric imaging technique that is capable of
providing high resolution cross-sectional images of thick specimens. Full-Field Optical Coherence
Tomography (FF-OCT) is a variant of OCT that creates a transverse cross-sectional or en-face image at a
depth of a biological sample without doing any lateral scan. It is technically versatile for many clinical as
well as industrial applications.
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Quick Links: Google Scholar |

Nawab singh
Research Area: Micro/Nanofabrication, Nanomaterials Synthesis, Microfluidics, Point-of-Care Diagnostics, Lab-on-a-Chip, Nano-Bio Interface, Electrochemistry, Functional group chemistry, Biomolecules (Protein Biomarkers, Enzymes, Cancer Cell line, DNA), and Bio-conjugation, Surface Plasmon Resonance, Optical/Electrochemical Biosensor.
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Quick Links: Google Scholar |

G Hanu Phani Ram
Research Area: quantitative phase imaging, multiple beam interferometry, microscopy. Digital Holography,
Inline-lensless holography, Oral cancer detection
Samsung Innovation Award (2018) for "a smartphone based method to study cell for early detection of oral cancer"
Email id:
Quick Links: Semantic Scholar |

Shiv Kumar R
Research Area: Study and investigation of algorithms for the computer-aided diagnosis of retinopathy of prematurity in retinal fundus images of preterm infants.
Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a sight threatening disorder that primarily affects preterm infants. It is the major cause for lifelong vision impairment and childhood blindness. Digital fundus images of preterm infants
obtained from a Retcam Ophthalmic Imaging Device are typically used for ROP screening.
ROP is often accompanied by Plus disease that is characterized by high levels of arteriolar tortuosity and v
enous dilation. The recent diagnostic procedures view the prevalence of Plus disease as a factor of prognostic
significance in determining its stage, progress and severity.
Our aim is to develop a diagnostic method, which can distinguish images of retinas with ROP from healthy ones and that can be interpreted by medical experts.
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Praveen Kumar P (PhD)
Research Area: Non-interferometric quantitative phase imaging.
His work involved development and characterization ofTIE based quantitative phase microscope. Characterization of depth information of human sperm cell was his significant work.
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P Vimal Prabhu (PhD)
Research Area: Digital Holographic Microscopy for live cell imaging.
His work involved development and characterization of off-axis and on-axis holographic microscopy platforms.
Imaging and optimizing phase retrieval algorithm of nearly on-axis setup.
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M D Azhar Ali (PhD)
Research Area: Biosensors and Surface Plasmonics.
Microfluidic‐integrated biosensors: Prospects for point‐of‐care diagnostics. Microfluidics
involves the science and technology of manipulation of fluids at the micro- to nano-liter level. It is
predicted that combining biosensors with microfluidic chips will yield enhanced analytical capa-
bility, and widen the possibilities for applications in clinical diagnostics.
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